Instructional Plan

The class will be divided up into 4 groups of 5 students each. The teacher will randomly pick students to go into different groups. There will be a recorder of notes and an archivist to keep notes and other materials organized in a folder.  These roles among the group can be changed during the days it takes to complete the tasks.   The remainder of the group will contribute to the discussion and activities.

Mission of Group 1: Prepare a travel infomercial that will show the rest of the class what Southwest landforms and climates are like. The infomercial should start with a title and tell what information will be covered by using aPowerPoint presentation that can be made in technology class to show to the other members of the class.  . Pictures on the presentation can show canyons and desserts and telll about the different kinds of landforms and climates of the Southwest.   All members of group should take turns in oral presentation.

Mission of Group 2: Prepare a travel/history brochure on the computer showing the way that the Navajo Indians and the Spanish,  have influenced the Southwestern United States in cultural activities such as in good, clothing, customs, and stories.   All members of group should participate in presenting brochure.
Navajo Influence
Spanish Influence

Mission of Group 3: Create a 3D Poster (with objects and pictures) showing the contribution of a natural resource, oil, and a human resource, technology and their contributions and how they are used in different products to both the Southwest and the rest of the United States. All members of group should participate in presenting poster.
Oil Contribution
Technology Contribution

Mission of Group 4: Group should have an oral report on their study of the history of Southwestern ranches and cattle drives.  Make a display (this can be shown on a table that teacher sets up for students) showing a variety of what primary and secondary sources are and have "examples" of what each would look like. All members of group should participate in presenting  oral report and showing display.
Cattle Ranchers & Drives
Primary and Secondary Sources